BHCS Winter Store


We’ve got something exciting to announce! We have set up a temporary store online for you to purchase Beth Haven branded winter apparel! Rep our school and keep warm this winter.

Click here to visit the store:

Here are some important details about the store:
  • The store will be open until December 21st, 2018.
  • After the online store closes on the 21st, it will take 2-3 weeks for the items to be delivered to the school.
  • All items ordered will be delivered to the school, not the buyer’s address.
  • All items will need to picked up from the school after delivery or sent home with your child.
  • A notice will go out via email when orders have been delivered to the school and are ready for pickup.
  • Please note the purchase comments within the store:
    • SPIRIT WEAR- These are items that can be worn anytime other than during operating school hours.  They must be taken off before the school day begins and cannot be worn inside the classroom during school days with the exception of SPIRIT days that administration will establish.
    • SCHOOL WEAR- These items may be worn in the classroom during the regular school day because they will fall in the guidelines of the handbook uniform policy.